Friday 5 May 2017

Google Summer of Code 2017!

May 4, 2017. 9:30PM. 2.5 hours to my birthday.

The timing could not have been any better. "Hi Abhijith.C. Your proposal for Biometric signal sensor's interface has been accepted!", that's what the mail said. The perfect birthday gift.

It all started last year around November, when I was introduced to the head of the organization, Italian Mars Society, by a very humble senior who had been a GSoC student for the same organization last year.

After discussions with the organization head and the mentors, quite a few commits and a couple of merged Pull Requests, here I am with the amazing opportunity to work with Italian Mars Society through the summer.

This is my project and a small abstract.

Here is the official acceptance link
And, here is the proposal that got me selected.

Cheers to an amazing summer with Google Summer of Code!!!